Course Durations: 1-3 Months

Course Contents:-

  • Introduction to our programming environment - Linux, ssh, ftp, vi
  • Writing PHP Programs and basic HTML review
  • Forms - getting data from the client
  • Decision making
  • Loops and arrays, HTML tables, CSS
  • Functions and includes - organizing your code File and Directory Handling
  • PHP Database Connectivity
  • Retrieving data from MySQL, Manipulating data in MySQL
  • Authentication and session handlers
  • Regular expressions
  • Object-oriented PHP
  • Error and exception handling
  • Networking with PHP
  • E-mail, XML, and web services


Course Durations: 1-3 Months

Course Contents:-

  • HTML: Overview of HTML capabilities, tags, formatting, writing forms and scripts
  • HTTP Protocol: The protocol, methods, data transfer and queries
  • DHTML: DOM, CSS2, attributes, events, netscape and IE extensions
  • Why ASP.NET? Server and ASP.NET, Writing ASP.NET pages, IIS and ASP.NET
  • ASP.NET Object Model: Classes in the ASP.NET object model. Functionality and features
  • Windows and Web based programming
  • Creating projects, development and deployment using InterDev
  • Interaction with server, tracking sessions with cookies, and session objects
  • ASP.NET Interactions: Interacting with other pages, forwarding and including
  • Performance Techniques: Caching, refreshing, client pull, buffering, issues
  • Managing Applications: The concept of an application in ASP.NET, Application objects
  • Database Access: ASP.NET and ADO, database access
  • Security: Security issues and concepts, authorization techniques, SSL
  • XML for performance and ease of development